Funding Sources Inventory
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC)
The federal New Markets Tax Credit is designed to increase investment in low-income communities for a range of economic and community development activities. These activities are financed through a network of certified financial intermediaries to make direct investments in low-income communities. This program can be used to fund residential rental property in limited instances - only if it's part of a mixed-use development where less than 80 percent of project revenues are from residential units.
Choice Neighborhoods
The Choice Neighborhoods program leverages significant public and private dollars to support locally driven strategies that address struggling neighborhoods with distressed public or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. Local leaders, residents, and stakeholders, such as public housing authorities, cities, schools, police, business owners, nonprofits, and private developers, come together to create and implement a plan that revitalizes distressed HUD housing and addresses the challenges in the surrounding neighborhood. The program helps communities transform neighborhoods by revitalizing severely distressed public and/or assisted housing and catalyzing critical improvements in the neighborhood, including vacant property, housing, businesses, services and schools.