Funding Sources Inventory
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Colorado C-PACE
The Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (C-PACE) provides financing for clean energy upgrades in new or existing properties. Upgrade costs are repaid through future property tax assessments (after the property is already experiencing the cost savings from the upgrades). It can be used to finance a range of energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements and related expenses at multifamily (5+ units) properties (among others).
Energy Outreach Colorado
Energy Outreach Colorado offers funding and services to assist with the purchase and installation of energy efficient equipment (Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Program); and weatherization of affordable multifamily properties (Affordable Housing Weatherization Program).
USDA 515 Program
The USDA 515/Multi-family Housing Direct Loan Program provides competitive direct loans to finance multifamily rental housing that services low-income families and elderly or disabled individuals. Rental assistance for individuals and households living in properties financed with 515 is also available.
Housing Assistance Council
HAC is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) focused on improving housing and living standards for rural low- and very low-income households and supporting development of new affordable housing in rural America.
National Housing Trust
NHT Community Development Fund (NHTCDF), a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), has deployed more than $44 million in loans, preserved more than 13,000 affordable units, and leveraged more than one billion in capital by providing quality, affordable loan products.