The Funding Sources Inventory tool allows you to search a database of funding sources created for this guide to determine which may be relevant to consider for your development. Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down the list of possible sources based on the characteristics of your development. The funding sources shown in the list at the bottom will be those that match at least one of the criteria from each of the filter categories you have selected (in other words, the filters use OR logic within each filter category and AND logic across filter categories). Review the remaining list to learn more about each program. You can click the “Details” button to display detailed information about each funding source.
Eligible UsesInclude funding that can be used for:
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit provides an incentive for investors to invest in affordable housing construction and preservation via a tax credit. It is available as a competitive credit (9%), scored based on criteria in CHFA's Qualified Allocation Plan, or a non-competitive credit (4%), available to any project that receives at least 50 percent of their funding through tax-exempt bond financing (e.g. Private Activity Bonds) may claim this smaller tax credit without receiving a specific allocation from CHFA.
Colorado State Housing Tax Credits
Modeled after the federal LIHTC program and authorized through 2031, this credit helps raise private sector equity to develop affordable rental housing. The state and federal tax credits are awarded on a competitive basis by CHFA through its Qualified Allocation Plan. In general, the State Housing Credit's allocation process and eligibility follows the federal tax credit (with exceptions noted in the Qualified Allocation Plan).
Housing Development Grant Funds (HDG)
HDG, supported by appropriated funds and awarded through a competitive process, provides funds for acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction to improve, preserve or expand the supply of affordable housing, to finance foreclosure prevention activities in Colorado, and to fund the acquisition of housing and economic data necessary to advise the State Housing Board on local housing conditions.
Housing Development Loan Fund (HDLF)
This program makes loans for development, redevelopment, or rehabilitation of properties serving low- and moderate-income households. This program was created to meet federal matching funding requirements and loans made through this program require collateral.
Colorado Housing Investment Fund (CHIF)
CHIF, which was created from mortgage settlement funds, is a revolving loan fund designed to address Colorado’s need for affordable rental housing. Funding can be used by eligible borrowers in two ways: 1) short term, low interest loans to bridge permanent financing sources; and 2) short term loan guarantees for new construction and rehabilitation.
National Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
The National Housing Trust Fund provides Colorado with grant funding to increase and preserve affordable housing for extremely low-income households, those earning at or below 30% AMI. HTF dollars are awarded annually based on a formula to the Department of Local Affairs, who in turn sets priorities for their use across the state in its HTF Allocation Plan and solicits for applications to award this funding.
Private Activity Bonds (PABs)
Private activity bonds enable local and state governments to finance private development projects. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) allocates a portion of its annual bonding authority directly to statewide authorities (CHFA and Colorado Agricultural Development Authority or CADA) and local governments based on population. It retains a portions of the state's annual bonding authority ("Statewide Balance") to award for eligible projects across Colorado, including residential rental projects for low- and moderate-income households. Municipalities and housing authorities can apply for the bonding authority under the Statewide Balance PAB directly from DOLA.
Colorado C-PACE
The Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (C-PACE) provides financing for clean energy upgrades in new or existing properties. Upgrade costs are repaid through future property tax assessments (after the property is already experiencing the cost savings from the upgrades). It can be used to finance a range of energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements and related expenses at multifamily (5+ units) properties (among others).
Colorado uses its allocation of CDBG-DR funding from the federal government for a variety of housing assistance and finance programs, including disaster recovery funding for multifamily housing construction. The CDBG-DR Multifamily Housing Construction Loan provides loans for affordable rental property construction and repair, in accordance with the state's Action Plan.
USDA 515 Program
The USDA 515/Multi-family Housing Direct Loan Program provides competitive direct loans to finance multifamily rental housing that services low-income families and elderly or disabled individuals. Rental assistance for individuals and households living in properties financed with 515 is also available.
Tribal Housing Activities Loan Guarantee Program (Title VI)
The purpose of the Title VI loan guarantee is to assist Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) recipients (borrowers) who want to finance additional grant-eligible construction or development at today’s costs. Tribes can use a variety of funding sources in combination with Title VI financing, such as low-income housing tax credits.
Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG)
The Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program is a formula grant administered by HUD. Under the program, eligible Indian tribes and tribally-designated housing entities (TDHEs) receive grants to carry out a range of affordable housing activities.
Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)
The Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) program provides direct grants for activities related to housing, community facilities, and economic opportunities, primarily for low- and moderate-income persons.
HUD Section 202
HUD provides capital advances to finance the construction, rehabilitation or acquisition with or without rehabilitation of structures that will serve as supportive housing for very low-income elderly persons, including the frail elderly, and provides rent subsidies for the projects to help make them affordable.
MBS as Tax-Exempt Bond Collateral (MTEB)
A Fannie Mae Multifamily MBS that can be used as collateral to credit enhance either (i) existing fixed-rate bond refundings, or (ii) new fixed-rate bond issues in conjunction with 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).
Small Multifamily Permanent Loan Program (SIMPLE)
SIMPLE provides up to $3 million in uninsured permanent financing for 9 percent Housing Credit projects. With streamlined execution, you can get to loan commitment in as little as 60 days of submitting a complete application. Can be paired with CHFA's gap financing programs (e.g. CHFA Housing Opportunity Fund or Capital Magnet Fund).
Housing Opportunity Fund (HOF)
CHFA HOF provides up to $1 million in flexible gap financing, which can be paired with any of CHFA’s senior debt programs as secondary financing, used as a first mortgage loan, or as an interest rate subsidy.
Small-scale Housing Permanent Loan
The Small-scale Housing Permanent Loan program provides up to $2.5 million of uninsured permanent financing for four- to 19-unit multifamily rental properties. This innovative program provides critical long term financing to smaller properties from a trusted partner.
Multifamily Collateral Support (MFCS) Program
The MFCS program is designed to help developers of multifamily projects with less than 20 units access the capital that would otherwise be unavailable due to collateral shortfalls by providing cash deposits at the developer’s lender of choice that act as collateral on the developer’s behalf.
Middle Income Access Program (MIAP)
The Middle Income Affordable Development Program (MIAP) addresses the middle income, sometimes referred to as the “missing middle,” population with incomes too high for LIHTC units but often overburdened by market rents. Typically, the missing middle is comprised of renters whose income is between 80 percent and 120 percent Area Median Income (AMI).
CHFA Capital Magnet Fund (CMF)
CMF provides up to $750,000 of flexible gap financing for the preservation or construction of 4 percent or 9 percent Housing Credit projects located in eligible areas and serving incomes at or below 50 percent of Area Median Income.
SMART provides $3-$6 million in permanent insured financing, featuring up to 40-year fixed rates and one of the lowest FHA mortgage insurance premiums in the industry.
Impact Development Fund
Impact Development Fund (IDF) is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) who provides financing to nonprofit, for-profit and local agency developers seeking to expand and improve the inventory of rental and owner-occupied housing.
Enterprise Community Loan Fund
Enterprise Community Loan Fund delivers high-impact capital to the people and places that need it most. Partnering with community groups and investors, they combine financial discipline, deep expertise and highly-collaborative partnerships to build and preserve homes people can afford, and invest in neighborhood resources and facilities residents needed most, including schools, federally qualified health centers, stores with healthy food options and more.
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit provides an incentive for investors to invest in affordable housing construction and preservation via a tax credit. It is available as a competitive credit (9%), scored based on criteria in CHFA's Qualified Allocation Plan, or a non-competitive credit (4%), available to any project that receives at least 50 percent of their funding through tax-exempt bond financing (e.g. Private Activity Bonds) may claim this smaller tax credit without receiving a specific allocation from CHFA.