Funding Sources Inventory
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
CDBG provides federal funding for activities that benefit low- and moderate-income households and prevent slums and blight. The Colorado Division of Housing (DOH) administers the CDBG program for municipalities that do not receive CDBG funds directly. Units of local government (including counties) that do not receive funds directly can apply to DOH through on a monthly basis; local governments may apply on behalf of nonprofits. DOH provides grants for the acquisition, rehabilitation, or installation of public facilities (e.g., sewer and water systems, commercial streetscape improvements, community centers, food banks, shelters, health clinics). Entitlement communities receive CDBG funding directly.
Choice Neighborhoods
The Choice Neighborhoods program leverages significant public and private dollars to support locally driven strategies that address struggling neighborhoods with distressed public or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. Local leaders, residents, and stakeholders, such as public housing authorities, cities, schools, police, business owners, nonprofits, and private developers, come together to create and implement a plan that revitalizes distressed HUD housing and addresses the challenges in the surrounding neighborhood. The program helps communities transform neighborhoods by revitalizing severely distressed public and/or assisted housing and catalyzing critical improvements in the neighborhood, including vacant property, housing, businesses, services and schools.
More Housing Now and Land Use Initiative
The More Housing Now and Land Use Initiative is a program of DOLA to support local governments to adopt land use and other strategies to increase the opportunity for affordable and attainable housing development. This initiative helps address the significant demand for local government infrastructure to support these projects.