Funding Sources Inventory
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Historic Tax Credits (HTC)
The federal Historic Tax Credit Program (sometimes called 20% HTC) is a financial incentive to rehabilitate historic properties for income-producing uses, including rental housing. An eligible project can receive a credit for up to 20% of eligible expenses, which reduces an owner's federal tax liability. This program is administered by the National Park Service, with input from State Historic Preservation Office (History Colorado). Rehabilitation using this tax credit must meet 10 Standards for Rehabilitation.
Colorado State Historic Tax Credit
The state historic tax credit program is a financial incentive to rehabilitate historic properties including owner-occupied and rental housing. An eligible project can receive a credit for between 20-35% of eligible expenses, which reduces an owner's state tax liability over ten years.
USDA food distribution resources
USDA offers several food distribution resources to combat food insecurity, including the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (which ships USDA Foods to eligible households), the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (which provides USDA Foods to low-income persons aged 60 years or older to supplement their diet), and the Emergency Food Assistance Program (which provides no-cost emergency food assistance to low-income households). The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations and Commodity Supplemental Food programs are administered by either an Indian Tribal Organization or state government agency, and they provide USDA Foods and funding for administration. The Emergency Food Assistance Program is administrated by states, providing food directly to households and local nonprofit organizations.
Disaster Loan Assistance (US SBA)
The Small Business Administration offers low-interest loans to businesses, nonprofits, homeowners, and renters located in regions affected by declared disasters via their Disaster Loan Assistance program. Loans can cover costs associated with homeowners' primary residence; renter's real property; and repair and replacement of real property for eligible rental property owners.