The Funding Sources Inventory tool allows you to search a database of funding sources created for this guide to determine which may be relevant to consider for your development. Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down the list of possible sources based on the characteristics of your development. The funding sources shown in the list at the bottom will be those that match at least one of the criteria from each of the filter categories you have selected (in other words, the filters use OR logic within each filter category and AND logic across filter categories). Review the remaining list to learn more about each program. You can click the “Details” button to display detailed information about each funding source.
Eligible UsesInclude funding that can be used for:
Includes resources that don’t have restrictions on the type of owner, developer, or borrower that may apply for funds. Note: capacity requirements (e.g. prior experience requirements) and other eligibility requirements may still apply (use or property type requirements, geographic limitations, affordability requirements, etc.).
The federal Historic Tax Credit Program (sometimes called 20% HTC) is a financial incentive to rehabilitate historic properties for income-producing uses, including rental housing. An eligible project can receive a credit for up to 20% of eligible expenses, which reduces an owner's federal tax liability. This program is administered by the National Park Service, with input from State Historic Preservation Office (History Colorado). Rehabilitation using this tax credit must meet 10 Standards for Rehabilitation.
Colorado State Historic Tax Credit
The state historic tax credit program is a financial incentive to rehabilitate historic properties including owner-occupied and rental housing. An eligible project can receive a credit for between 20-35% of eligible expenses, which reduces an owner's state tax liability over ten years.
Healthy Housing Rewards Initiative
The Healthy Housing Rewards Initiative offers discounted mortgage financing for new construction or rehabilitation of multifamily affordable rentals when borrowers use physical design and resident services practices to advance health outcomes. Properties must meet or exceed the minimum certification standards of the Fitwel® Certification System (operated by the Center for Active Design); certification costs (up to $6,500) are reimbursable as part of the loan.
USDA food distribution resources
USDA offers several food distribution resources to combat food insecurity, including the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (which ships USDA Foods to eligible households), the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (which provides USDA Foods to low-income persons aged 60 years or older to supplement their diet), and the Emergency Food Assistance Program (which provides no-cost emergency food assistance to low-income households). The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations and Commodity Supplemental Food programs are administered by either an Indian Tribal Organization or state government agency, and they provide USDA Foods and funding for administration. The Emergency Food Assistance Program is administrated by states, providing food directly to households and local nonprofit organizations.
Colorado C-PACE
The Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (C-PACE) provides financing for clean energy upgrades in new or existing properties. Upgrade costs are repaid through future property tax assessments (after the property is already experiencing the cost savings from the upgrades). It can be used to finance a range of energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements and related expenses at multifamily (5+ units) properties (among others).
Energy Smart Colorado
Energy Smart Colorado serves as a clearinghouse for energy rebates for eligible homeowners and businesses, along with recommendations for energy efficiency upgrades, plus contractors and financing you can use to implement them. Homeowners and commercial property owners can directly apply for a range of energy efficiency rebates through Energy Smart Colorado's website. It also has financing for commercial property owners (Colorado C-PACE) and residential homeowners through the Colorado Residential Energy Upgrade (RENU) Loan program.
Energy Outreach Colorado
Energy Outreach Colorado offers funding and services to assist with the purchase and installation of energy efficient equipment (Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Program); and weatherization of affordable multifamily properties (Affordable Housing Weatherization Program).
Disaster Loan Assistance (US SBA)
The Small Business Administration offers low-interest loans to businesses, nonprofits, homeowners, and renters located in regions affected by declared disasters via their Disaster Loan Assistance program. Loans can cover costs associated with homeowners' primary residence; renter's real property; and repair and replacement of real property for eligible rental property owners.
USDA 515 Program
The USDA 515/Multi-family Housing Direct Loan Program provides competitive direct loans to finance multifamily rental housing that services low-income families and elderly or disabled individuals. Rental assistance for individuals and households living in properties financed with 515 is also available.
Value-Add Loan Program
Short-term, cost-effective financing for modest property upgrades.
Tax-Exempt Loan
Financing for the acquisition or refinance of stabilized affordable multifamily properties with 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) with at least 7 years remaining in the LIHTC compliance period.
MBS as Tax-Exempt Bond Collateral (MTEB)
A Fannie Mae Multifamily MBS that can be used as collateral to credit enhance either (i) existing fixed-rate bond refundings, or (ii) new fixed-rate bond issues in conjunction with 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).
Housing Opportunity Fund (HOF)
CHFA HOF provides up to $1 million in flexible gap financing, which can be paired with any of CHFA’s senior debt programs as secondary financing, used as a first mortgage loan, or as an interest rate subsidy.
Small-scale Housing Permanent Loan
The Small-scale Housing Permanent Loan program provides up to $2.5 million of uninsured permanent financing for four- to 19-unit multifamily rental properties. This innovative program provides critical long term financing to smaller properties from a trusted partner.
Multifamily Collateral Support (MFCS) Program
The MFCS program is designed to help developers of multifamily projects with less than 20 units access the capital that would otherwise be unavailable due to collateral shortfalls by providing cash deposits at the developer’s lender of choice that act as collateral on the developer’s behalf.
Middle Income Access Program (MIAP)
The Middle Income Affordable Development Program (MIAP) addresses the middle income, sometimes referred to as the “missing middle,” population with incomes too high for LIHTC units but often overburdened by market rents. Typically, the missing middle is comprised of renters whose income is between 80 percent and 120 percent Area Median Income (AMI).
CHFA Capital Magnet Fund (CMF)
CMF provides up to $750,000 of flexible gap financing for the preservation or construction of 4 percent or 9 percent Housing Credit projects located in eligible areas and serving incomes at or below 50 percent of Area Median Income.
CAPABLE Construction and Permanent Affordable Bond Loan
CAPABLE combines construction and permanent financing to provide over $6 million for 4% Housing Tax Credit projects, using a streamlined process only available to housing finance agencies. It offers some of the lowest interest rates due to index pricing associated with Private Activity Bonds, and one of the lowest mortgage insurance premiums in the industry.
PAIRABLE Partnership-to-Perm Affordable Bond Loan
PAIRABLE provides loans of over $6 million in permanent insured financing for 4% Housing Tax Credit projects, featuring some of the lowest interest rates due to index pricing associated with Private Activity Bonds. Pair this with your preferred construction financing partner to help get the deal done on time.
SMART provides $3-$6 million in permanent insured financing, featuring up to 40-year fixed rates and one of the lowest FHA mortgage insurance premiums in the industry.
NHT Community Development Fund (NHTCDF), a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), has deployed more than $44 million in loans, preserved more than 13,000 affordable units, and leveraged more than one billion in capital by providing quality, affordable loan products.
Partners for the Common Good
PCG is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that was created as a vehicle to allow socially conscious investors to put their money to work serving communities left out of the economic mainstream. PCG moves the economy forward by financing community development and encouraging community engagement.
HUD 221(d)(4) Mortgage Insurance for Rental and Cooperative Housing
Section 221(d)(4) insures mortgage loans to facilitate the new construction or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily rental or cooperative housing for moderate-income families, elderly, and the handicapped. Single Room Occupancy (SRO) projects may also be insured under this section.
USDA Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans (aka Section 502 loans)
This program assists low- and very-low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time. The amount of assistance is determined by the adjusted family income.
The federal Historic Tax Credit Program (sometimes called 20% HTC) is a financial incentive to rehabilitate historic properties for income-producing uses, including rental housing. An eligible project can receive a credit for up to 20% of eligible expenses, which reduces an owner's federal tax liability. This program is administered by the National Park Service, with input from State Historic Preservation Office (History Colorado). Rehabilitation using this tax credit must meet 10 Standards for Rehabilitation.