Funding Sources Inventory
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit provides an incentive for investors to invest in affordable housing construction and preservation via a tax credit. It is available as a competitive credit (9%), scored based on criteria in CHFA's Qualified Allocation Plan, or a non-competitive credit (4%), available to any project that receives at least 50 percent of their funding through tax-exempt bond financing (e.g. Private Activity Bonds) may claim this smaller tax credit without receiving a specific allocation from CHFA.
Colorado State Housing Tax Credits
Modeled after the federal LIHTC program and authorized through 2031, this credit helps raise private sector equity to develop affordable rental housing. The state and federal tax credits are awarded on a competitive basis by CHFA through its Qualified Allocation Plan. In general, the State Housing Credit's allocation process and eligibility follows the federal tax credit (with exceptions noted in the Qualified Allocation Plan).
Impact Development Fund
Impact Development Fund (IDF) is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) who provides financing to nonprofit, for-profit and local agency developers seeking to expand and improve the inventory of rental and owner-occupied housing.