Funding Sources Inventory
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit provides an incentive for investors to invest in affordable housing construction and preservation via a tax credit. It is available as a competitive credit (9%), scored based on criteria in CHFA's Qualified Allocation Plan, or a non-competitive credit (4%), available to any project that receives at least 50 percent of their funding through tax-exempt bond financing (e.g. Private Activity Bonds) may claim this smaller tax credit without receiving a specific allocation from CHFA.
Colorado State Housing Tax Credits
Modeled after the federal LIHTC program and authorized through 2031, this credit helps raise private sector equity to develop affordable rental housing. The state and federal tax credits are awarded on a competitive basis by CHFA through its Qualified Allocation Plan. In general, the State Housing Credit's allocation process and eligibility follows the federal tax credit (with exceptions noted in the Qualified Allocation Plan).
Colorado Housing Investment Fund (CHIF)
CHIF, which was created from mortgage settlement funds, is a revolving loan fund designed to address Colorado’s need for affordable rental housing. Funding can be used by eligible borrowers in two ways: 1) short term, low interest loans to bridge permanent financing sources; and 2) short term loan guarantees for new construction and rehabilitation.
National Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
The National Housing Trust Fund provides Colorado with grant funding to increase and preserve affordable housing for extremely low-income households, those earning at or below 30% AMI. HTF dollars are awarded annually based on a formula to the Department of Local Affairs, who in turn sets priorities for their use across the state in its HTF Allocation Plan and solicits for applications to award this funding.
Enterprise Community Loan Fund
Enterprise Community Loan Fund delivers high-impact capital to the people and places that need it most. Partnering with community groups and investors, they combine financial discipline, deep expertise and highly-collaborative partnerships to build and preserve homes people can afford, and invest in neighborhood resources and facilities residents needed most, including schools, federally qualified health centers, stores with healthy food options and more.
Triple Bottom Line Foundation
Triple Bottom Line Foundation (TBL Fund) is a nonprofit CDFI that focuses on Multifamily Affordable Housing and Indigenous Communities to create safer, healthier and affordable homes, while also creating job opportunities in the green energy field.
Corporation for Supportive Housing
The Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) is a national CDFI and leader in supportive housing, focusing it on person-centered growth, recovery and success that contributes to the health and wellbeing of the entire community. CSH galvanizes supportive housing solutions with powerful capital funds, specialty loan products and development expertise.