Funding Sources Inventory
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11
Healthy Housing Rewards Initiative
The Healthy Housing Rewards Initiative offers discounted mortgage financing for new construction or rehabilitation of multifamily affordable rentals when borrowers use physical design and resident services practices to advance health outcomes. Properties must meet or exceed the minimum certification standards of the Fitwel® Certification System (operated by the Center for Active Design); certification costs (up to $6,500) are reimbursable as part of the loan.
Colorado C-PACE
The Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (C-PACE) provides financing for clean energy upgrades in new or existing properties. Upgrade costs are repaid through future property tax assessments (after the property is already experiencing the cost savings from the upgrades). It can be used to finance a range of energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements and related expenses at multifamily (5+ units) properties (among others).
Energy Outreach Colorado
Energy Outreach Colorado offers funding and services to assist with the purchase and installation of energy efficient equipment (Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Program); and weatherization of affordable multifamily properties (Affordable Housing Weatherization Program).
Value-Add Loan Program
Short-term, cost-effective financing for modest property upgrades.
Housing Opportunity Fund (HOF)
CHFA HOF provides up to $1 million in flexible gap financing, which can be paired with any of CHFA’s senior debt programs as secondary financing, used as a first mortgage loan, or as an interest rate subsidy.
Small-scale Housing Permanent Loan
The Small-scale Housing Permanent Loan program provides up to $2.5 million of uninsured permanent financing for four- to 19-unit multifamily rental properties. This innovative program provides critical long term financing to smaller properties from a trusted partner.
Middle Income Access Program (MIAP)
The Middle Income Affordable Development Program (MIAP) addresses the middle income, sometimes referred to as the “missing middle,” population with incomes too high for LIHTC units but often overburdened by market rents. Typically, the missing middle is comprised of renters whose income is between 80 percent and 120 percent Area Median Income (AMI).
Sizeable Multifamily Affordable Risk Share Tool (SMART)
SMART provides $3-$6 million in permanent insured financing, featuring up to 40-year fixed rates and one of the lowest FHA mortgage insurance premiums in the industry.
Housing Assistance Council
HAC is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) focused on improving housing and living standards for rural low- and very low-income households and supporting development of new affordable housing in rural America.
National Housing Trust
NHT Community Development Fund (NHTCDF), a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), has deployed more than $44 million in loans, preserved more than 13,000 affordable units, and leveraged more than one billion in capital by providing quality, affordable loan products.
Partners for the Common Good
PCG is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that was created as a vehicle to allow socially conscious investors to put their money to work serving communities left out of the economic mainstream. PCG moves the economy forward by financing community development and encouraging community engagement.