The Funding Sources Inventory tool allows you to search a database of funding sources created for this guide to determine which may be relevant to consider for your development. Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down the list of possible sources based on the characteristics of your development. The funding sources shown in the list at the bottom will be those that match at least one of the criteria from each of the filter categories you have selected (in other words, the filters use OR logic within each filter category and AND logic across filter categories). Review the remaining list to learn more about each program. You can click the “Details” button to display detailed information about each funding source.
Eligible UsesInclude funding that can be used for:
HDG, supported by appropriated funds and awarded through a competitive process, provides funds for acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction to improve, preserve or expand the supply of affordable housing, to finance foreclosure prevention activities in Colorado, and to fund the acquisition of housing and economic data necessary to advise the State Housing Board on local housing conditions.
Housing Development Loan Fund (HDLF)
This program makes loans for development, redevelopment, or rehabilitation of properties serving low- and moderate-income households. This program was created to meet federal matching funding requirements and loans made through this program require collateral.
Private Activity Bonds (PABs)
Private activity bonds enable local and state governments to finance private development projects. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) allocates a portion of its annual bonding authority directly to statewide authorities (CHFA and Colorado Agricultural Development Authority or CADA) and local governments based on population. It retains a portions of the state's annual bonding authority ("Statewide Balance") to award for eligible projects across Colorado, including residential rental projects for low- and moderate-income households. Municipalities and housing authorities can apply for the bonding authority under the Statewide Balance PAB directly from DOLA.
FHA 223(f) Multifamily Loan Insurance Program
Section 207/223(f) insures mortgage loans to facilitate the purchase or refinancing of existing multifamily rental housing. These projects may have been financed originally with conventional or FHA insured mortgages. Properties requiring substantial rehabilitation are not eligible for mortgage insurance under this program.
Small Balance Loan Program
Loans for the purchase or refinancing of small apartment buildings (targeting 5 to 50 units), ranging from $1 million to $7.5 million.
Value-Add Loan Program
Short-term, cost-effective financing for modest property upgrades.
Multifamily Small Loan Program
Fannie Mae recognizes that owners of smaller properties have specific financing needs, and the Fannie Mae Multifamily Small Loan program has product offerings designed to meet those needs. The Multifamily Small Loan Program offers a streamlined loan process for fixed- and variable-rate mortgage loans up to $9 million nationwide.
MBS as Tax-Exempt Bond Collateral (MTEB)
A Fannie Mae Multifamily MBS that can be used as collateral to credit enhance either (i) existing fixed-rate bond refundings, or (ii) new fixed-rate bond issues in conjunction with 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).
Impact Development Fund
Impact Development Fund (IDF) is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) who provides financing to nonprofit, for-profit and local agency developers seeking to expand and improve the inventory of rental and owner-occupied housing.
Enterprise Community Loan Fund
Enterprise Community Loan Fund delivers high-impact capital to the people and places that need it most. Partnering with community groups and investors, they combine financial discipline, deep expertise and highly-collaborative partnerships to build and preserve homes people can afford, and invest in neighborhood resources and facilities residents needed most, including schools, federally qualified health centers, stores with healthy food options and more.
Triple Bottom Line Foundation
Triple Bottom Line Foundation (TBL Fund) is a nonprofit CDFI that focuses on Multifamily Affordable Housing and Indigenous Communities to create safer, healthier and affordable homes, while also creating job opportunities in the green energy field.
The Housing Partnership Network created the Housing Partnership Fund (HPF) in 2001 as its lending arm to meet its members’ growing needs for flexible, early stage financing for affordable housing development. Nationally, HPF serves nonprofit developers focused solely on uplifting low-income populations, using housing as a platform to leverage better health, school, and personal wealth building outcomes. The Fund raises capital from major private, public and philanthropic institutions to drive impact through its investments in members and HPN social enterprises. HPF is a US Treasury certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and has a Four Star Policy Plus AA- rating from Aeris.
National Housing Trust
NHT Community Development Fund (NHTCDF), a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), has deployed more than $44 million in loans, preserved more than 13,000 affordable units, and leveraged more than one billion in capital by providing quality, affordable loan products.
NeighborWorks Capital
NeighborWorks Capital delivers the flexible capital needed by NeighborWorks America affiliates to provide affordable homes and strengthen communities. NeighborWorks Capital is a national non-profit, certified Community Development Financial Institution and rated by Aeris-Insight.
HDG, supported by appropriated funds and awarded through a competitive process, provides funds for acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction to improve, preserve or expand the supply of affordable housing, to finance foreclosure prevention activities in Colorado, and to fund the acquisition of housing and economic data necessary to advise the State Housing Board on local housing conditions.
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